One of the most common reusable plastic items in the home is food storage containers. There aren't any perfect replacements right now, but this article lists some options that are better than just plastic! If you're wondering why it's important to have plastic-free food storage, you probably haven't read my article on toxins in plastic yet! Check it out here before you read this - or you could blindly trust me and buy all the things first, then go back and find out why you just replaced your entire cabinet's worth of tupperware :). There are now tons of accessible food storage options that aren't mainly plastic (Pyrex containers, for example, can be found on many a grocery store shelf). What you have to watch out for is the lids! Many containers have a main body made of safe materials like glass, stainless steel, or ceramic, but have a plastic or silicone lid or a lid with a silicone or plastic gasket. Unfortunately, the only entirely plastic- and silicone-free options aren't leakproof. So that likely means you're going to end up with a silicone gasket for when you need something leakproof. Also, it's totally okay to choose something not on my list, since there are tons of pretty good options out there, but try to make sure the maximum amount of plastic you have is a silicone gasket.
First up is an item you might already have! Glass jars with natural rubber gaskets or metal lids are awesome choices for food storage! They come in lots of different sizes, and they're leakproof! Here's one by Le Parfait. Weck Jars are another great option - they come in lots of different sizes, and they even have various shape options (they're on Amazon too)! However, I don't think either brand specifies whether they use natural or synthetic rubber, so that likely means it's the latter.

Another great choice is ECOlunchbox! Not only can their products be used as lunch containers, but they can also store leftovers or snacks in the pantry or fridge! They have a wide variety of 100% stainless steel containers, in lots of different shapes and sizes. You can look through those options here! In addition, if you're looking for a leakproof container, you can try using the stainless steel ones with silicone gaskets. They have two of those, the Bento Wet Box in Round or Rectangle, or their thermos. Make sure never to use the ones with silicone lids.

Option #3 is these containers. They're made of glass with bamboo lids, though they do have a silicone gasket. These are pretty large, rectangular, leakproof and airtight containers which makes them a good choice for many people. They also come as a pack of four for the same price as many containers have for one, which makes them a much more affordable option!

You could also try these100% glass jars! Be aware that these aren't leakproof or airtight! These are great for storing large amounts of food in the pantry, such as full bags of flour or nuts.

Another good option is this jar! It's made of glass with a metal lid, and it's also not airtight or leakproof. The outward-facing lid makes it easy to stick on a shelf, so you don't have to pull the whole jar out to grab whatever's inside!

These stainless steel containers have a glass lid and a silicone gasket. They're great for storing pantry staples like sugar, rice, and oats.

Ceramic containers like these are also amazing for food storage! Those ones have wooden lids with silicone gaskets and would add a splash of color to any kitchen.

For liquids, glass pitchers like this one are great! If you choose a different one, make sure the handles aren't plastic either!

These stainless steel containers have a silicone gasket for when you need them to be airtight or leakproof, but you can also remove the gasket for when you don't! Stainless steel is a great option for those with kids, to avoid little hands pulling giant glass jars onto the floor. These come in multiple sizes individually, and sets of two, three, and five, to fit your needs. Buying them in sets can make this a more affordable option for many people!

Now for some of the more creative food storage options! You could try wrapping food in this unbleached, unwaxed butcher paper! Or you could take a glass bowl or container (like those Pyrex ones I mentioned earlier) and instead of using plastic wrap or silicone lids to cover it, try these beeswax wrap covers, which come in two different size options, here and here. They seal from the heat of your fingers.
There isn't really a perfect solution right now, but choosing anything from this list is better than pure plastic. Minimizing the amount of silicone/plastic used in your food storage is the most important part, so switching to anything, even if it does have a silicone gasket, is good. But if you do happen to know any food storage manufacturers, please tell them to make something with natural rubber gaskets and no plastic or silicone :)!